A web log of our homeschooling adventures.

Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle" and Sargent's travels through Europe and North America are the inspirations for part of how we homeschool. The idea is to have the kids experience and learn about the world through travel while studying the natural sciences, art, and human history. To make the latter more involving and fun, I also have them play historical board games and paint historical miniatures.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


On our first day at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon we took an easy mile-long hike to little visited Shoshone Point which A captured in the photo above. (Click any of the photos for much larger views.) The following day we hiked a mile down into the Canyon on Bright Angel trail. V took out her camera to snap photos of the squirrels that tried to take our lunch. These little guys are very aggressive along this busy trail and frequently bite tourists. That's V's video of the squirrels below.

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