A web log of our homeschooling adventures.

Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle" and Sargent's travels through Europe and North America are the inspirations for part of how we homeschool. The idea is to have the kids experience and learn about the world through travel while studying the natural sciences, art, and human history. To make the latter more involving and fun, I also have them play historical board games and paint historical miniatures.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


On field trips, the kids and I each carry a field bag with the following: collapsible insect net, killing jar, digital camera, general field guide, sketch book, notebook, mechanical pencil, pen, eraser, sharpeners, and hand lens. This lets us take photos, sketches, notes, and collect and study insects wherever we go. The insect nets are from a Polish company called "Paradox" and are of a much superior quality and design than those of our leading U.S. company "Bioquip".

We always have the equipment in the field bags which makes preparing for trips a little easier and the chance that we'll forget something smaller. Having the bags color coded comes in handy too!

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